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Test methods and standards are the key to ensuring that product performance is measured accurately and consistently. We use hundreds of in-house, national and international standards and test methods in our work, so we are ideally placed to ensure that you use the most appropriate test procedure for your product.

SATRA test method example with a diagram of movement and force to be applied.

Extensive knowledge

  • We have been providing the footwear industry with test methods for over one hundred years
  • These methods are produced through careful research and technical application and are internationally recognised
  • Almost every footwear specification and international standard will have a foundation in SATRA test methods
  • We are continuously producing new methods, often as a result of consultation with member companies as they produce the next generation of footwear materials, components and constructions

SATRA test methods available to buy

All of our test methods are available to purchase. We can provide methods for specific standards, products or components for your own laboratory or just for reference. Please get in touch and we’ll be happy to help.

bright red samples of rubber-like material immersed in liquid in a flask
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