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Laboratory calibration

Having correctly calibrated equipment is vital to ensure accurate results. We calibrate laboratory equipment and test machines worldwide.

A hand holds a machine remote to complete a calibration exercise.

A complete service

Whether you are checking the quality of goods or materials as they come off the production line, or carrying out testing further along the supply chain, having properly calibrated equipment is vital to ensure accurate results.

In addition to our laboratory accreditation programme, we also calibrate laboratory equipment and test machines worldwide in laboratories serving the footwear, leather, furniture, rubber, textile, automotive and apparel industries.

Our calibration services

As well as calibrating many different types of specialist footwear testing equipment, we have developed procedures and sourced accurate tools to calibrate a large range of more general testing and measuring equipment.

These include:

  • balances
  • callipers
  • freezers
  • ovens
  • rulers
  • stopwatches
  • tensile testers
A metal curved measurement shows measurements in centimetres and millimeters with the needle hovering over 1.

Why choose us?

We write the standards and manufacture the test equipment used by the world’s laboratories.

With over 100 years of physical testing experience, we are uniquely placed to understand the requirements of modern test machinery, and to provide the best and most efficient means of keeping them calibrated.

Our comprehensive calibration services are not limited to SATRA-manufactured equipment and are available to both SATRA members and non-members. However, our members receive a 50% discount.

Become a member
SATRA test method example with a diagram of movement and force to be applied.

Frequently asked questions

Where can you carry out calibration?

Equipment can either be sent to SATRA UK for calibration, or we can carry out an on-site visit.

When will I receive my calibration certificates?

Electronic certificates will be sent within 4 weeks of the calibration taking place.

Does the calibration include repairs and/or adjustments?

No – the service is for calibration only. Any repairs or adjustments required would need to be carried out by the manufacturer.

Is it more cost-effective to have multiple machines calibrated at the same time?

Yes, all our customers are charged a daily rate so it is cost-effective to request calibration of more than one machine at a time.

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