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Laboratory accreditation

The SATRA Laboratory Accreditation programme is internationally recognised as an assurance of quality management throughout the footwear and leather products supply chain.

A machine creates an intricate pattern on test material.
years raising quality in laboratories
SATRA Accredited Laboratories globally
countries across 5 continents with SATRA Accredited Laboratories

Benefits for the whole supply chain

Manufacturers and material suppliers benefit from meaningful and accurate test data while sourcing companies benefit from a more reliable evaluation of products and a general improvement in quality and fitness-for-purpose.

In addition to accrediting your laboratories to SATRA QS1000:2022, we also help those who want to set up their own laboratory from scratch. We provide advice and guidance on all aspects of laboratory setup, from equipment purchase and calibration to test method selection, as well as offering ongoing training and support.

Global recognition for your laboratory

SATRA Accredited Laboratories are involved in the production of footwear, furniture, automotive and apparel products.

All SATRA Accredited Laboratories are awarded a logo, featuring the laboratory’s unique lab number. It can be used on test reports featuring accredited test methods, or on your company’s marketing materials.

SATRA accredited laboratory logo

Equipment calibration

We can also assist with the provision and calibration of test equipment and the training of laboratory technicians.

Close up of a test machine being calibrated by a user holding a blurred instrument.

A global service - wherever you are, we'll be there

Dark globe at night showing communication between population hubs
Frequently asked questions
Can you help us set up our laboratory to meet the requirements of QS1000?

Yes, we can visit your premises and provide you with all the template documents you need. We can also train your technicians in the appropriate test methods.

How much does QS1000 accreditation cost?

This depends on the size of the laboratory and the requested accredited scope. Please contact us directly for a quote.

Does QS1000 accreditation only cover SATRA test methods?

No, any International, brand or in-house methods can be covered by the QS1000 scope.

Think we can help? Get in touch. 
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