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SATRA complaints and appeal process

SATRA complaints and appeal process

  1. Complaint submission: A SATRA customer may submit complaints to SATRA by email, telephone, in writing or in person, either directly to their SATRA contact or through 
  2. Acknowledgement and investigation: Complaints raised directly with a SATRA contact shall be passed to the SATRA quality team. An acknowledgement of the complaint shall be sent to the complainant within two working days of receipt. An investigation shall be initiated. 
  3. Complaint summary and report:  A summary of the investigation shall be provided to the complainant upon completion of the investigation. 
  4. Resolution: Any follow-up activities resulting from the investigation, including any internal corrective actions, shall be completed by the relevant Business Manager. 
  5. Closing: If the complainant is satisfied with the conclusion of the investigation, then the complaint shall be closed. If the complainant is dissatisfied with the conclusion, then a reinvestigation shall be initiated. The complainant shall have 15 working days to raise any further issues or the complaint shall be closed. 
  1. Appeal submission: SATRA shall only accept written appeals received by the Quality Manager within 28 working days of the customer being informed of the decision that gave rise to the appeal. Any SATRA staff receiving an appeal shall forward this to the quality team immediately upon receipt. 
  2. Acknowledgement and investigation: A formal acknowledgment shall be sent to the appellant confirming that the appeals process has been instigated. 
  3. Notifying the Impartiality and Appeals Committee: The quality team shall contact the Chair of the SATRA Impartiality and Appeals Committee within five working days to inform them that an appeal has been received. The committee Chair shall determine suitable dates to hold an appeal and inform SATRA and the appellant within 15 working days. 
  4. The Appeal: SATRA would usually host the appeal. Both the appellant and SATRA shall be available to the committee in some form, on the day of the appeal. The committee shall receive all relevant documentation for the appeal prior to the appeal date. 
  5. Resolution: The committee Chair shall inform both the appellant and SATRA of the final decision within 5 working days following the appeal.