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Become a SATRA member

SATRA membership is designed for companies who want exclusive access to our extensive range of technical products and services focused on your business needs.

Two colleagues shaking hands during a meeting at work.

SATRA Membership

SATRA membership is not just a label. Our range of member benefits will help innovate your products, enhance your technical expertise and accelerate your business.

Member Benefits

  • Extend your in-house technical team with guidance and support from our experts
  • Access to the SATRA Laboratory Accreditation programme and technical compliance support
  • Receive discounted rates on test equipment, test methods, technical books and advertising
  • Improve your sustainability profile via life cycle analysis and end-of-life materials testing
  • Participate in technical webinars, seminars and training courses, online and in-person
  • Reduce waste and improve product quality using our production efficiency systems
Women's trousers and shoes, leather and flooring are shown as three pillars representing areas of SATRA expertise.

Join our global network

We have SATRA members in over 70 countries from many different backgrounds - brands, retailers, manufacturers, components suppliers, sourcing companies and academia.

With SATRA membership we can help you at every step of the journey from product concept to consumer; producing and selling products that are safe, cost-effective, fit for purpose and in demand.

Representation of a globe with lines connecting countries

Helping you every step of the way

In becoming a SATRA member you will gain access to our comprehensive facilities, performance guidelines, trusted test methods, and our most valuable asset, our people.

Our experienced technical and research teams are a valuable resource partner for members to use to test and develop ideas and review materials and construction possibilities - helping you to extend your inhouse technical team.

Our experts support your product innovation, development and evaluation to meet specifications and international compliance requirements.

Find out more
SATRA test method example with a diagram of movement and force to be applied.

Want to know more?

Have a question about membership? Frequently asked questions from our customers may help solve your query. If not, you can get in touch with one of our experts using our online form below. 

Why should I become a member?

Membership gives exclusive access to many services and products including:

  • product innovation and development
  • preferential rates for test methods
  • test equipment
  • staff development via face to face and online training
  • access to publications and online resources in our dedicated member area
  • use of the Member of SATRA logo
  • legislation and chemical compliance assistance and much more.
Who can apply for a SATRA membership?

Membership is only available to registered companies and governmental or educational organisations.

How do I become a SATRA member?

Enrolment is a quick and simple process. Please feel free to register your
interest by filling out the "Become a member" form here.

How much technical support will I receive?

Members are welcome to contact SATRA staff on a day-to-day basis when in need of support.

Support can be provided by email, video conference, conference calls, face-to-face meetings or via telephone.

In cases where a detailed assessment is required, a charge may be applied to cover staff time. You will be notified about this at the time.

How many issues of the SATRA Bulletin magazine will I receive?

Members receive eleven issues of the SATRA Bulletin each year in digital or print format. We normally publish two additional 'Bulletin specials' per year, covering specific industry topics. Members can access past and present issues and articles online. There are also preferential rates for members wishing to advertise in the Bulletin.

Think we can help? Get in touch.

Being a SATRA member shows that your company is committed to developing the quality, safety and performance of products and services.

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How can we help?